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The domain is official

This is the official website of the public authority of the Slovak Republic. The official website mainly uses the domain Links to individual public authorities’ websites can be found at this link.

This site is secure

Be careful and always make sure that you share information only through the secure website of the Slovak public administration. A secure page always starts with https:// before the domain name of the website.

The National Concept of eGovernment (NCeGov)

The National Concept of eGovernment, approved by the Slovak government in September 2016, is a conceptual document that defines the strategic Enterprise Architecture of eGovernment and its central coordination as well as the principles and objectives of its further development in accordance with the goals stated in the Strategic Document for Digital Growth and Next Generation Access Infrastructure. This document also represents a new philosophy of viewing informatisation with an emphasis on the process openness, fair competition, and increase of the value of IT in key functions of public administration, whether in a form of the improved services, better decisions thanks to data, better regulation, or more efficient operation. The concept is built around a vision of an innovative and open state that provides the citizens and businesses with user-friendly and easy-to-use services but at the same time operates in a complex way so that it can respond swiftly and effectively to the challenges of the dynamic modern era.

Informatisation priorities cover a wide range of areas needed to be addressed in this period primarily. The priority of process optimisation and automation of the public administration performance, along with the priority of orchestration of services to the life situations, shall ensure a qualitative change not only in the provision of the public administration services to the public, but also in the operation of public administration itself. Equally important are the priorities referring to the improved access of citizens, businesses or officials to the eGovernment environment, the use of the common central blocks, management of data, Open Data, Government Cloud, and security. This document also includes a proposal for the prioritisation of development programmes and projects that will help implementing the strategic architecture of public administration, reference architecture of specific solutions, and segment architecture. These aspects create conditions for the efficient process of public administration informatisation, the managed and controlled access by the Slovak Government to any changes in the process, as well as the preconditions for offering effective responses to a wide range of both, the existing and potential, economic, security or other threats.