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MIT – Slovakia Seed Fund

The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic entered into an agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on financing joint projects and research cooperation. 

Slovakia made a single deposit to the fund from the budget for innovation diplomacy in the amount of USD 225,000.00. During the following three years, it will provide support to two to four projects per year. The expected amount of the support per one team project will be maximum USD 30,000.

MIT is one of best universities in the world, in particular in natural, technical as well as social sciences. The fund itself will enable cooperation and support to our top scientists and students with partners from the MIT in the form of small grants focused on solution of a particular problem.

The notification of calls and selection of projects will be carried out by the MIT, whereby the Ministry of Investments will have an advisory vote.

Fund website:

For more information about the MIT fund:

MIT Slovakia Seed Fund (ENG) (PDF , 1.99 MB)